Two Cornwall MPs call for Prime Minister to resign

Cornwall MPs are setting out their positions on Liz Truss

Author: Megan PricePublished 20th Oct 2022
Last updated 20th Oct 2022

Two of Cornwall's MPs are calling on the Prime Minister, Liz Truss, to resign.

Sheryll Murray, MP for south-east Cornwall has written in a Tweet: "I had high hopes for Liz Truss but after what happened last night her position has become untenable.

"...I have submitted a letter to Sir Graham Brady".

She's the eleventh of Liz Truss' MPs to call for her resignation.

Steve Double, MP for St Austell and Newquay, is also calling for the Prime Minister to step down.

In a statement he wrote: "The Prime Minister has lost control of the government and the confidence of Conservative MPs.

"She called herself a fighter, not a quitter. But in recent weeks she has backed down and U-turned every time she was challenged to a fight.

"For the good of the country, she needs to resign".

He says his preference is for Rishi Sunak to take over the role in government.

He wrote: "I am willing to get behind anyone who will provide the leadership we need, is up to the job and will get back to delivering on the 2019 Manifesto we were elected on".

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