Devon and Cornwall Police hand out almost 2,000 Covid fines since first lockdown

Most of those were issued to people who broke local restrictions around movement during lockdown

Author: Emma HartPublished 26th Feb 2021

It has been revealed that Devon and Cornwall Police have dished out almost two thousand Covid fines.

That is between March last year and the 14th of February.

Official figures show seven were issued to people not wearing face masks.

Most were handed out to people who broke local restrictions around movement during lockdown.

They include to three people who drove from Somerset to Land's End, apparently to see the cliffs in wet weather!

What do the figures show?

In total, 68,952 Fixed Penalty Notices have been recorded as having been issued in England (63,201) and Wales (5,751) between Friday 27th March 2020 and Monday 14th February 2021.

26,277 of those were issued over the last four weeks alone.

Devon and Cornwall Police have issued 1,914 FPNs between the 27th March 2020 and the 14th February 2021.

1,007 were issued for people who broke Number 1 and Number 2 local lockdown restrictions.

Seven were handed out to people not wearing face masks, a further seven to people who broke international travel regulations and four were issued for breaches of business regulations.

The National Police Chiefs Council said: "These data cover the number of FPNs issued under COVID-19 regulations which came into effect from 27th March 2020. Data presented in this release represent the number of FPNs issued.

"While the vast majority of FPNs relate to a single individual, some people have been issued with an FPN more than once. An FPN can be issued for more than one reason.

"Figures on the number of FPNs issued should not be seen as a measure of the amount of police activity involved in policing the new measures, or the level of public non-compliance, since fines are issued as a last resort after initial attempts to engage with the public to explain and encourage compliance with the new regulations have not been successful".

National Police Chiefs Council

You can read more information here.