Penpol Pumpkins to represent Britain at Lego competition

A team of budding engineers from a Cornwall school have been selected as finalists in a Lego competition in the USA

Author: Olivia MounsorPublished 18th May 2023

A team of young Cornish engineers are hoping to make it to the USA next month, to represent Britain at an international lego competition.

Known as the Penpol Pumpkins, the pupils are now fundraising to make their dream of attending the contest become a reality.

They're hoping to raise £25,000 to pay for their flights, accommodation and transport in Massachusetts.

Jacob Woolcock, the Pumpkin's teacher at Penpol School in Hayle , recorded this video, of the youngsters finding out they had been selected to go to the US - you can watch that here

He said: "It’s a huge honour to be asked to represent Great Britain at this international final and is a real testament to the hard work and determination which our students in the Penpol Pumpkins have showed this year.

“They are already one of the very best teams in the whole country - now we can safely say they’re one of the best in the world! The final challenge to overcome is how we get them all there (and ideally back again too!) in a matter of a few weeks"

“Logistically and financially this is a big ask, but we’re determined to make it there and to give these children a truly life changing experience.”

The Cornish team – consisting of Jenna, Ada, Caio, Felix, Ethan, James B, James S, Piran, Ernie and Miles, all aged 10 or 11 - named themselves the Penpol Pumpkins after being inspired by the freaky fruit during Halloween last year.

They were amazed by how many were thrown away in the household rubbish and vowed to find a way to recycle food.

Cllr Barbara Ellenbroek, Cabinet Member for Children and Families at Cornwall Council, said: “It is amazing news that the Penpol Pumpkins have been selected to compete in the international finals in the USA. It will truly be an experience of a lifetime for them and a real opportunity to showcase the talent that we have in Cornwall.

“I would urge as many individuals and businesses that can do so to visit their fundraising website and donate or sponsor these inspirational young people.”

You can donate to the fundraiser here

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