Preparations underway for Truro St Piran's Day Parade

Celebrations take place on Tuesday 5th March

Author: Sophie SquiresPublished 28th Feb 2024

Preparations are well underway for this year’s annual Truro St Piran’s Day Parade.

The city's event, which takes place on Tuesday 5th March, is a celebration of Cornwall's patron saint.

The Parade will leave St George’s Road at 1.00pm and then travel down Frances Street, River Street, King Street, Boscawen Street, going around the war memorial and then back up Boscawen Street and King Street before ending up at High Cross where there will be some Cornish songs and short speeches.

As part of the work to prepare for the event, Truro Old Cornwall Society and Truro City Council commissioned local artists to add some creative colour and understanding.

This year's artists Tony Minnion, Emma Bass and Lu Cornish have held workshops with St Mary’s C Of E School and Truro High School For Girls Prep to design banners which celebrate their school community and values.

The two new banners will join the ones which have been made in previous years at this year’s Parade.

Creative adviser, Charlotte Williams, of Salt Projects (Cornwall) said: "The banner project allows schoolchildren to express themselves as a community and celebrate their values, which they can carry with pride through the streets of their home town on St Piran’s Day and for many years after."

Special St Piran’s activity packs, designed by local artist Molly Biscoe, have been delivered to local primary schools in Truro, with copies also available for people to collect free of charge from Truro Library.

The shop window dressing competition will be judged on the morning of 5th March by the Deputy Mayor, Cllr Sam Rabey, and Town Crier, Lionel Knight.

The winners will be announced at High Cross at 1.30pm, and will be given a trophy to display in their windows until the end of March.

This year organisers are appealing for band and silver band players to bring their instruments to form a 'scratch band' to play The Pengelly Marches' – a series written by the late Jim Pengelly specially for the Truro Parade.

Truro Old Cornwall Society President and member of Truro City Council, Bert Biscoe said:

"This year, St Piran’s day falls on a weekday, and it’s been difficult to find a band to march with us. So if you’re free, got plenty of puff, can manage a half-mile or so, and enjoy playing for fun so kids can dance, St Piran is looking for you!"

Truro City Council and Truro Old Cornwall Society have thanked Truro Community Property Trust, FEAST, Cornwall Councillors and Truro Cathedral for support and finance for the Parade.

They're also thanking CORMAC for helping to get the Parade into and out of Boscawen Street.

Mayor of Truro, Cllr Carol Swain said: "St Piran’s Day is the moment when Spring kicks off. It is a day of celebration, a day of creativity, inclusion and tolerance which, in the true spirit of ‘drekkly’ brings all aspects of society, industry, environment, caring and, most of all fun, together to achieve a perfect Cornish moment."

Bert Biscoe is keen to encourage as many people as possible to come along to the Parade: "One and all is welcome to be part of the Parade, or to come along and watch – the more the merrier - even on a Tuesday - Nay! Especially on a Tuesday! Kernow bys vykken!"

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