World FIRST paddleboard leash safety video after man's death in Cornwall

A campaign to prevent further deaths, launched in Simon Flynn's name, is now having a global impact

Techincal Group chair David Tidball has overseen the new leash safety advice video by British Canoeing
Author: Andrew Kay and Emma HartPublished 16th Sep 2021
Last updated 16th Sep 2021

In a world first, the governing body for paddleboarding has released a new safety video on leashes after the death of a holidaymaker in Cornwall.

42-year-old Simon Flynn, a competent swimmer and tutor from near Cheltenham, died after falling off his paddleboard in the Camel Estuary near Rock.

The ankle leash he was wearing got trapped on a boat mooring and he was pulled under in the strong tidal current, preventing him from releasing himself.

It is believed Simon would still be alive today if he had worn a quick-release waist belt instead of an ankle leash.

Afterwards, a coroner said it was an 'issue for manufacturers' that should be looked at and the sport's governing body, British Canoeing, have now released an updated safety advice video, alongside updated guidance, which aims to combat online misinformation.

Best friend Sam Foyle has been campaigning for updated paddleboard safety guidance and better education, which is now being spread across the world.

Mr Foyle wants quick-release waist belts to be sold with all new paddleboards as standard - along with ankle leashes.

He is also calling for retailers and manufacturers to make it clear why the two types of leash are needed for different water situations.

British Canoeing's Head of Coaching Lee Pooley said: "A lot of our providers do work and live overseas so the guidance that we've recently issued is being used right across - internationally.

"There's been lots of support on social media. A lot of people saying great to see this new infographic out there - with new guidance - we've had some really great support.

"The whole of the community have spread the word for us as well.

"Our reach is that providers that deliver stand up paddleboard courses will have that information and be able to pass it on to the participants.

"We have a delivery partner scheme. Commercial providers running paddlesport activity will be able to put this message across to the participants that are actually using hire equipment".

Updated guidance on paddleboard leash safety can be found on British Canoeing's website.

Read More:

Best mate of man who drowned in Cornwall launches heartfelt safety campaign

Big retailers to carry new safety advice after paddleboarder's death in Cornwall

Leading paddleboard firm backs safety campaign after death of man in Cornish estuary

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