Coventry man jailed for stabbing woman in Birmingham city centre

The attack happened in broad daylight.

Author: Kellie MaddoxPublished 21st Dec 2023

A man who repeatedly stabbed a woman in Birmingham city centre in broad daylight has been jailed for more than 20 years.

Asim Abdulrasul launched a horrifying attack in Temple Row in August last year before he was stopped by three brave members of the public.

A passer-by, nearby shop worker and security officer all intervened in the attack and enabled us to quickly trace Abdulrasul who was known to the woman.

The 47-year-old, of Brook Close, Coventry, was convicted of attempted murder following a trial. He was jailed for 24 years at Birmingham Crown Court on Friday (15 December).

Investigating officer Rebecca Freeth said: "This was a savage attack which could have had even more horrendous consequences without the courageous actions of the three men who rushed to help.

"Their actions most likely saved her life, and also enabled us to quickly locate Abdulrasul and arrest him. Thankfully, she managed to survive her injuries and is continuing to rebuild her life following such a traumatic ordeal.

"Abdulrasul armed himself with a knife in public and this always created the risk he would use it.

“We take any violence against women and girls extremely seriously and it won't be tolerated. He has now quite rightly been put behind bars for a significant period of time."

In September this year, the three members of the public were recognised for their quick thinking and bravery through a special commendation by West Midlands Police Chief Constable Craig Guildford.

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