Misconduct hearings held for two Warwickshire police officers

The force says it would have sacked them, had they not already resigned

Author: Jon BurkePublished 22nd Dec 2023

Two former police officers would have been dismissed had they not previously resigned; that was the finding of two misconduct hearings held by Warwickshire Police on Tuesday (19 December).

Former PC Amondeep Mandiar, who worked as a response officer based out of Bedworth police station, was dismissed after previously being convicted of assaulting a man while on duty. The incident occurred on Christmas Eve 2021 when Mandiar was responding to a report of a disturbance in Church Street, Nuneaton.

Following the conviction, Mandiar was given a community sentence and ordered to pay compensation to the victim, a victim surcharge, and a sum towards prosecution costs.

The misconduct hearing found Mandiar had breached standards of professional behaviour, namely “authority, respect and courtesy,” “use of force,” and “discreditable conduct”.

A former officer, who the force is not naming at this time for legal reasons, was found to have lied in a statement, asked a woman to delete evidence and failed to disclose a relationship on his vetting form.

The officer was found to have breached standards of professional behaviour, namely “Honesty and integrity” and “discreditable conduct”.

Both officers resigned prior to their hearings but had they not they would have been dismissed. Both will be placed in the College of Policing barred register preventing them from working in policing again.

The two misconduct hearings were heard by Warwickshire Police Chief Constable Debbie Tedds at the force’s headquarters in Leek Wootton.

All outcomes are subject to an appeals process.

Detective Superintendent Paul Thompson, head of professional standards at Warwickshire Police, said: “The public expects the highest standards of professional behaviour from their police officers and when these standards are not met, we will thoroughly investigate.

“The actions of these officers fell well below the standards we expect. People who do not live up to these standards have no place at Warwickshire Police.”

For more information on how to complain about police misconduct or report police corruption go to Complaints | Warwickshire Police

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