Couple from Cumbria jailed for attacking and threatening a man

Bradley Clayton, 24, and Chloe Sinton, 22, imprisoned their victim

Author: Craig McGlassonPublished 17th Nov 2023

A Whitehaven couple who force a man to strip almost naked and imprisoned him while delivering chilling stab threats and menacing demands for money have been given lengthy prison sentences.

Carlisle Crown Court heard the victim spent the weekend of September 30 last year in the company of Bradley Clayton, 24, and 22-year-old Chloe Sinton.

There were no issues until October 2 when the man returned to the house and was almost immediately attacked with punches and stamps to the face.

During an ordeal lasting more than five hours, Clayton threatened the man with a knife and vowed to stab him. He and Sinton then demanded £2,500 after forcing their victim to strip to his underwear.

Sinton posted photos of him on Snapchat, offering “£10 to do what you want to him”.

Carlisle Crown Court heard the victim was told to call his father amid the blackmail. Prosector Megan Cox said: “In the background of that call, the following can be heard: ‘I've got your son. He's been a silly boy. He's naked. He owes me £2,500’.”

After Clayton and Sinton learned police were being called, they released the man.

Clayton and Sinton, both of George Street, Whitehaven, admitted false imprisonment and blackmail. Clayton had a previous conviction for armed robbery as a juvenile following a post office raid featuring a weapon.

Sean Harkin, for Clayton, said in mitigation: “Fortunately there is no physical injury (to the man). I accept from the victim personal statement there would be some psychological traumas to him.”

Kim Whittlestone, for Sinton, spoke of exposure to chronic trauma in her past, and suggested she was a vulnerable adult subject to the influence of others.”

Clayton was given a four-year prison sentence and Sinton received a three-year jail term. Recorder Paul Hodgkinson concluded the attack victim was “effectively being tortured” and subjected to “extreme humiliation”, adding: “He must have been terrified.”

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