Derbyshire dad campaigns to make nightclubs and bars safer after the death of his son last year

Joe Robotham
Author: Rebecca LomasPublished 6th Sep 2021
Last updated 6th Sep 2021

A Derbyshire dad is campaigning to make nightclubs and bars safer, following the death of his son last year.

23-year-old Joe Robotham died in Febraury 2020 after he was hit with a glass bottle outside a nightclub in Chesterfield. He suffered a fractured skull and severe brain damage.

Now his dad Richard wants bars and nightclubs to get accredited for not serving drinks in glass bottles.

North East Derbyshire MP Lee Rowley has been working with Richard on the campaign as well.

Derbyshire Police also say they are committed to making Chesterfield a safe place for a night out.

Hayley Barnett, divisional commander for north Derbyshire, said:

“I have met with Mr Robotham and have seen the devastating effects that a glass bottle can have in the wrong hands.

“The force supports Joseph’s family in their aim of making sure that no family has to suffer what they have been though.

“Our dedicated licensing team is working alongside Mr Robotham with a view to exploring with licence holders options to help reduce violence – this includes the use of glass bottles.

“Derbyshire Constabulary is absolutely committed to making Chesterfield, and every other town in the county, safe places to visit for a night out.”