Plans for a new solar farm in Alfreton sparks concerns

There's fears the solar farm could affect the pupils well-being

Author: Demi OlutunmogunPublished 16th Nov 2021
Last updated 16th Nov 2021

There are concerns for the well-being of pupils after plans for a huge solar farm near Alfreton.

German company Kronos has scaled down its project generate enough electricity to power 11,500 homes, but governors at Alfreton Park Community School are warning about the potential increase in sound from the site’s equipment.

The site is said to benefit from biodiversity improvements, designed to create habitats that support local wildlife and some of the country’s most at-risk species.

Although, there's worries the solar farm could have an impact on the landscape, wildlife and the local community.

The company’s also looking at another potential site off the A617 near Hasland.

John Glasby, Chair of Governors for the school recently shared his concerns:

“As Chair of Governors at Alfreton Park School it often forms part of my brief to listen to the concerns of our staff, the parents of our pupils, other Governors, and to protect the interest of our pupils both current and those that are still to come.

"A major concern for us all at the present time is the proposal to allow a solar farm to be built adjacent to our new school which will open at the beginning of 2022. Derbyshire County Council have recognised that our current premises are no longer fit for purpose and made substantial funds available for the new school’s construction.

"It is disappointing therefore to imagine that permission might well be given for this solar farm to be built right up to our boundary limits and present potential dangers for our pupils."

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