Concern for missing Devon man

Darren Gray was last seen on Sunday 18th December

Author: Simon McleanPublished 23rd Dec 2022

Searches are continuing for a man from North Devon who's not been seen for almost a week

Darren Gray, aged 43, was reported as missing on Monday 19 December and was last seen in the South Molton area in the early hours of Sunday 18 December.

North Devon Sector Inspector Rich Preston said: “Co-ordinated searches by specialist police officers and search teams are continuing and police are appealing for any information linked to Darren’s whereabouts.”

Darren is 6ft tall, of average build with short, dark blonde hair and facial hair.

Darren is believed to have been wearing a jacket similar to this one:

He's also in possession of a Samsung Galaxy S7 mobile phone.

If anyone has information that may assist in helping to find Darren, please contact police on 999, quoting log number: 1001 of 19 December.

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