Forgotten female pirates of the Caribbean being immortalised in Devon

A sculpture depicting two female pirates - whose story was largely overlooked by male historians - is being unveiled on Devon's Burgh Island next year.

Author: Andrew KayPublished 18th Nov 2020
Last updated 19th Nov 2020

It aims to ensure 'Anne Bonny and Mary Read take their rightful place in history with a statue that honours their boundary pushing, gender defying lives'.

The statue was previewed this week at Execution Docks in London and the statue 'aims to correct the imbalances of historical storytelling with an effigy that will finally shine a light on their powerful, untold story'.

The statue has been created by artist Amanda Cotton Amanda Cotton and inspired by new original drama 'Hell Cats' from Audible.

A spokesperson for the series said: "Sadly we know little about the real Anne and Mary as their story was largely overlooked by male historians, but as the old sailors adage goes, a woman on board invites bad luck, a superstition that turned out to be true for the enemies of notorious pirates Anne Bonny and Mary Read.

"As quick to draw their cutlasses as they were to fall in love, Anne and Mary sailed the Caribbean leaving a trail of looted treasure, outfoxed law enforcement, and treacherous ex-lovers - suitably dealt with - in their wake.

"Born hundreds of miles apart, the new Hell Cats podcast tells the story of how both Anne and Mary were disguised as boys in their childhoods to escape poverty, propriety, and disgrace, only to find freedom on the high seas. Anne, a poor fit for polite society, kicks her treacherous husband to the curb to turn pirate with the dashing Captain Jack.

"Meanwhile, Mary endures Navy and Army life disguised as a boy before being captured by pirates.

"When Mary and Anne’s world collide a love affair between the two ensues and adventure beckons – The Governor and Anne’s spurned husband continue to hunt them across the oceans, but even the shadow of the gallows couldn’t darken the blazing spirits of these incredible women.

"This series explores themes of equality, freedom, love and survival. Ultimately it is a story about the determination to live fully and freely without the limitation of gender, class or society – a life without restraint."

For more about the Audible podcast click here