Exeter to host vigil for the people of Ukraine

It is being held in Bedford Square, Princesshay, this Sunday

London, UK. 23rd February 2022. Demonstrators gathered outside the Russian Embassy in London in protest against the Russian invasion of Ukraine
Author: Sophie SquiresPublished 26th Feb 2022

A vigil for the people of Ukraine, organised by Exeter City Council Leader Phil Bialyk, will take place in Exeter tomorrow.

Cllr Bialyk, who has family in Ukraine, said he was holding the vigil on a personal basis as a non-political event to show solidarity with those facing a humanitarian crisis.

It takes place in Bedford Square, Princesshay, on Sunday 27 February, at 11.00am.

Exeter MP Ben Bradshaw will speak at the vigil, and councillors from all parties have been invited to attend.

Cllr Bialyk said: "We have been in constant contact with our family in Ukraine, and all are safe for the moment.

"Many of us have families in the Ukraine, and we are concerned about what is happening. This vigil will be a peaceful and quiet gathering which will be a way in which people in Exeter can demonstrate their support for the people of Ukraine.

"We hope that it will reach all people who wish for peace, and everyone is welcome to attend."

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