Clifftop goat herd in Bournemouth set to be doubled

The goats help to control invasive plants

Author: Jason BeckPublished 15th Dec 2022
Last updated 15th Dec 2022

A clifftop goat herd in Bournemouth is set to double.

50 animals roam the area between East Cliff and Southbourne managing its vegetation.

The goats have been so successful that council bosses want to expand their number to 100.

Councillor Mark Anderson said: "To keep the vegetation on the cliffs under control we either had to send men down there on ropes or we had to look at alternatives."

BCP Council said the goats were perfect for this job.

The animals are very effective at controlling the growth of holm oak, the most harmful of the invasive exotic shrubs and trees on the cliffs.

The organisation which looks after the goats has launched a 2023 calendar of the animals to raise money to look after them including vets' fees.

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Greatest Hits Radio (East Dorset)