Dorset psychologist offers help on coping with the latest lockdown

Dr Andy Mayers says the restrictions will be taking their toll

Author: George Sharpe Published 8th Jan 2021

The latest restrictions combined with not being able to see family and friends is starting to take it’s toll on us according to a psychologist from Dorset.

Dr Andrew Mayers says the constant toing-and-froing where restrictions are eased and tightened quickly, and changes to schooling are likely to have an impact on our mental health.

Dr Mayers who is also Dorset Mind's Patron says reduced access to face-to-face therapy services could also have a long term impact, if those needs aren’t addressed soon.

He said:

“People are beginning to get very, very concerned about when is this going to end? Forced into more isolation for all the right reasons, disenfranchisement from their loved ones, not being able to see their family, sudden changes in the school environment, all of these things are beginning to hit hard.

“Throughout COVID, when people have been developing mental health problems, the access to therapy, particularly face to face talking therapies, is going to be reduced.

“Now this is at the time when they need it most and if we’re able to get that kind of support for mental health now, then we might be able to give people a toolkit to be able to negotiate what they’re feeling right now.”

He says more in-person interventions need to be available to help limit the long term impact.

Andrew’s advice is that anyone in need of support get’s in touch with a professional organisation first. He also recommends some coping mechanisms to manage when you’re feeling overwhelmed.

“The crucial thing is to reach out and talk to someone, but even now, even in this isolation we are allowed to get out and get some exercise – I’d urge people to try and do that, even if it’s just a walk around the block.

“Do something different, step away. If mobility is an issue there are other ways in which you could find some other type of exercise, or even just step away mindfully and try and think on more positive things.”

If you are struggling and in need of help, here’s where you can find it: