New Battle of Britain Memorial for Weymouth unveiled today

Weymouth's first Battle of Britain memorial is being unveiled today.

Author: George SharpePublished 20th Sep 2020
Last updated 20th Sep 2020

Weymouth's first Battle of Britain memorial is being unveiled today.

The monument at Bowleaze Cove commemmorates 544 of the men who paid the ultimate sacrifice on 15th September 1940.

It's the first of it's kind in the South West and is being officially opened at 12pm today by RAF Veteran Peter Price.

The project had been on hold for 5 years, but it's now been completed after a donation of land by local businessman Jon Davenport, who owns the Beachside Complex at Bowleaze Cove.

Photo of the memorial outside the Beachside café

Rob Oliver is behind the monument. He said:

"It's about time we got our own memorial for the Battle of Britain, because obviously the South West played a major part.

"We've got a lot to thank these guys for, and I've been lucky enough to be able to do this for them.

"I made a promise to one of the ground crew years ago that I'd put a memorial in Weymouth for the Battle of Britain boys."

During the battle, Portland was defended by 10 group and a special plaque will feature on top commemmorating the squadron.

An additional 3 plaques will commemorate the lives of the 544 men who gave their lives with a complete Roll of Honour.

Rob added:

"The reason it's here is because it overlooks Portland. It looks slap-bang in the middle of Portland".

"I hope people come down. If they've lost any RAF relatives, come down and put some flowers down.

"I just want people to use it to be honest."

The unveiling will take place at 12pm at the monument, which is located at the Beachside Café.