More confirmed cases of Covid-19 in Dorset schools

The schools are in Weymouth and Portland.

Author: Maria GreenwoodPublished 20th Oct 2020

More schools in Dorset have confirmed cases of Covid-19.

Cases of Coronavirus have been confirmed at Holy Trinity C of E in Weymouth and St George's Primary on Portland.

Another case has also been confirmed at Radipole Primary.

Their reception students return to school today (20 October) after the year group was asked to self-isolate following previous confirmed cases. at the school.

All three schools remain open and Public Health Dorset say close contacts have been notified and asked to self-isolate.

Sam Crowe, Director of Public Health for Dorset and Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole Councils said:

"All close contacts of the confirmed cases have been notified and advised to self-isolate for 14-days.

"Contacts of the confirmed case should get tested if they go on to develop symptoms. Even if people test negative, they must still self-isolate for 14-days."

'Advice to parents'

On their website Dorset Council say:

"Parents, carers and young people can help by following public health guidance out of school.

"This includes keeping at least one metre, but preferably two, apart from anyone not in your household and washing your hands frequently.

"You must self-isolate and get tested if you have symptoms of Coronavirus, such as a high temperature, new continuous cough or a loss or change to sense of smell or taste."

'Face coverings in schools'

Radipole Primary School is now asking parents to wear face coverings on school grounds.

A statement on Dorset Council's website reads:

"Schools have the discretion to ask parents and carers to wear face coverings if they feel it would support social distancing and safety measures at busy times like drop-off and collection.

"If you are asked to wear a face covering and you are not exempt, please help your school by complying."