Weymouth dog owners urged to join anti-theft campaign

24 dogs have been stolen in Dorset since April last year and now Dog Horn want that to change

Author: Sophie CridlandPublished 24th Mar 2021

A large number of dogs have been stolen in Dorset over the last year, but there's a new not-for-profit campaign hoping to change that.

Dog Horn are working against the crime by improving dog theft awareness and handing out anti-theft products to the dog community.

According to a Freedom of Information Request made by Greatest Hits Radio Dorset to Dorset Police, 24 dogs have been stolen since April 2020 with six thefts in November alone.

Anita Wingad is Weymouth's Dog Horn ambassador. She got involved with the campaign after hearing how many were taken.

She's got a dog called Honey who she bought for her son Cory to help improve his mental health. But, she worries for Cory, her friends and other residents with dogs in Weymouth.

Anita told Greatest Hits Radio Dorset:

"It really did strike me that this campaign is the way to be pro-active and to help everyone stay safe.

"After speaking to the Dog Horn UK founder I got together a volunteer group, there is about 13 of us now across Weymouth and that's how it all started really."

Owners can purchase a Dog Horn safety pack that contains a Yellow lanyard, whistle and a high viz jacket. The money goes towards the campaign to help fund it.

Dog Horn say wearing a high viz is a visual statement to 'would-be thieves' that you belong to a highly responsive community that actively deters the theft.

Anita is hoping to educate, not just the dog community, but the wider community.

"Hopefully the more that people come together and promote an approach that everyone is unified then we can make a difference and stop dog thefts.

"Our dogs, our fury family friends and members are very much at the heart of our choices and our lifestyles and we should be ok to walk about and enjoy our beautiful Dorset Countryside and the Weymouth town, without feeling threatened or in danger."

The response Anita's had in the first few days of launching Dog Horn Weymouth has been outstanding, there is a Facebook group that dog owners can join.

"The more people are on board the less dog thieves and the potential for dog thefts is going to be hugely reduced."

Find out more about the campaign here.

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