Free pop-up meal bank set up by Weymouth Town Councillors

Parents who are struggling this half term can order a package of food and collect it from The Nest on Abbotsbury Road.

Author: Sophie CridlandPublished 26th Oct 2020
Last updated 26th Oct 2020

Local Councillors have set up a pop up free school meals bank for parents and carers that are struggling to feed their children during the half term.

It is in reaction to the government voting against providing free school meals over the school holidays in England.

Councillors Alex Fuhrmann and Christine James have partnered with The Nest Community Shop at the Waverley on Abbotsbury Road as a place where locals can drop off food parcels and those in need can pick them up.

Alex is the Westham East Councillor for Weymouth Town Council, he said:

"We chose to help with free school meals because I'm a primary school teacher and it occurred to me that children don't stop learning and needing nutrition on the whim of a term date or diary.

"This is a really important part of growing up, if we set them up with good nutrition and good fuel and we make sure that happens then we are giving them a good start in life."

Yesterday (Sunday 25th October) locals were able to drop of donation bags, which consisted of:

Bread, cheese, tin of beans, tin of tomato soup, six eggs, bag of apples or bananas.

Alex continued:

"After the government decided not to extended free school meals over the holidays, we thought there's just too many low income and neglected families in Weymouth that could really do with this.

"This is supporting children who are in need of good food. Neglect is a problem and free school meals is part of the solution. This is a force for good and something we can do in our community, regardless of the time of year."

If you need a food parcel, collections can be made today (26th October) and tomorrow (27th October) from 10am to 3pm.

For those self-isolating, a family member, neighbour or friend can pick a package up for you.

To order a package please email with the your/parent name, child's school and address if you need delivery.