Indecent exposure incident on Purbeck chain ferry

A picture's been released of a man police want to speak to

Author: Faye TryhornPublished 29th Jul 2022
Last updated 29th Jul 2022

A man's reported to have indecently exposed himself to a woman on the Purbeck chain ferry, with police describing it as a 'distressing' incident.

The victim, in her 20s, was travelling from Sandbanks to Studland when a man on the upper deck was staring at here and then exposed himself.

This happened at around 1.00pm on Friday 15th July.

A picture's now been released of a man that officers investigating what happened would like to speak to.

PC David Rudenko, of Dorset Police, said:

“This was a very distressing incident for the victim, and we are carrying out a number of enquiries to identify the man involved.

“We have obtained an image of a man we would like to speak to as part of our investigation, and I would urge anyone who recognises him to please contact us.”

If you can help with any information, or you recognise the man pictured, you're asked to contact Dorset Police on 101, by emailing or via their website, quoting reference number 55220113905.

You can also call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

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