Man knocked unconscious during Weymouth assault

He needed hospital treatment after an attack on St Edmund Street

Author: Faye TryhornPublished 25th Jul 2022

A 19 year old man has needed to go to hospital after being assaulted in Weymouth town centre.

The victim was allegedly attacked by two men on St Edmund Street at around 3.10am on Saturday morning (23rd July).

He was knocked unconscious and suffered a serious head injury.

Two people have been arrested in connection with the incident - a 25 year old man from Dorchester and a 28 year old man from Wiltshire.

They were both questioned on suspicion of GBH without intent and been released under investigation.

DC Jacqui Gravenor, of Dorset County CID, said:

“A full investigation is underway into this incident and detectives are carrying out a number of enquiries in the area, including checking CCTV systems.

“I understand there were a number of people in the vicinity at the time and I would urge anyone who witnessed what happened, or filmed it on their mobile phone, to please come forward.”

If you can help with any information, you can contact Dorset Police on 101, by emailing, or via their website, quoting reference number 55220119036.

You can also call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

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