Man threatened with knife in Weymouth attempted robbery

The victim was approached in broad daylight on Saturday (16th July)

Author: Faye TryhornPublished 19th Jul 2022

A man's been threatened with a knife during an attempted robbery in Weymouth.

The local victim, who's in his 50s was approached by two teenage girls in an alleyway off Rodwell Avenue at around 3.00pm on Saturday afternoon (16th July).

One of the girls had a knife on her, and demanded the man's wallet.

When he refused, the pair ran away in the direction of Chapelhay.


One of the suspects is described as:

  • White
  • 16 or 17 years old
  • Five feet ten inches tall
  • Very slim build
  • Blonde/silver shoulder length hair
  • Wearing a teal Nike tracksuit

The second suspect is described as:

  • White
  • 16 or 17 years old
  • Five feet eight inches tall
  • Black spiked hair
  • Wearing a black tracksuit

PC Reuben Wilkinson, of Weymouth police, said:

“This incident understandably left the victim feeling shaken and we are carrying out enquiries to identify those responsible.

“I am appealing to anyone who was in the area and witnessed what happened, or saw two girls running in the vicinity, to please contact Dorset Police.”

If you can help with any information, you're asked to contact officers on 101, or by emailing, quoting reference number 55220114599.

You can also call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

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