Attempted knifepoint robbery in Dorchester

A man was threatened with a knife in South Walks

Author: Maria GreenwoodPublished 4th Jan 2021

A man in his 50's has been threatened by a man with a knife in Dorchester.

Dorset Police say it happened at around 5.30pm on New Year's Eve.

The victim - a local man aged in his 50s - was walking on South Walks when he was approached by a man who asked for directions. The man then produced a knife and demanded money.

The victim managed to kick out at the offender and run away from the scene. He was not injured during the incident.


The man is described as white, aged around 35 years old, approximately five feet eight inches tall, and of medium to stocky build.

He was wearing a grey hooded top with red or orange lining and dark-coloured clothing, including a padded jacket.

The man spoke with an Eastern European accent.

Detective Sergeant Simon Austin, of Weymouth CID, said:

"I am appealing to anyone who was in the area and witnessed what happened to please get in touch.

"I would also like to hear from any motorists who were driving along South Walks at the relevant time and may have captured any footage on dashcam to assist my enquiries."

How to contact Dorset Police

Anyone with information is asked to contact Dorset Police at, via email or by calling 101, quoting occurrence number 55200196465.