Dorset NHS pain management team move part of service online

Introduction appointments now don't need to be arranged in person

The Dorset Pain Management Service team (taken prior to COVID-19 restrictions being introduced)
Author: Seb CheerPublished 4th Aug 2021

It's hoped people in Dorset needing treatment for ongoing pain issues can now save time and travel costs.

A team of NHS specialists has moved its introductory stage of treatment online, delivered through an animated video, rather than pre-arranged interview.

Dorset HealthCare has created the tool in collaboration with volunteer "Experts by Experience" teams.

Those who can't access the internet can still have a one-to-one appointment with a pain management practitioner.

Ed Cvijan, Operations Manager for the service, said: “In the past, face-to-face group sessions were arranged across the county to explain how the service works and introduce the concept of self-management.

“But when COVID-19 hit, we had to consider how we could do things differently.

“Thankfully, we have some creative and talented team members who were able to work with our Experts by Experience – people with direct experience of healthcare services – to deliver a digital solution. This has made our service more accessible and represents a huge time saving for patients and staff alike.

“It also ensures service users know what to expect from us as a service and how we can support them to lead as fulfilling and independent a life as possible.”

Dorset’s Pain Management Service is made up of a team of specialists, including consultants, psychologists, therapists, nurses and therapy assistants.

Together, they provide a range of services that can be tailored to match a person’s needs and help them deal with pain with greater knowledge and confidence.

Ben Benjamin, 64, from Dorchester, is a former Pain Service patient and now an Expert by Experience. He said: “Before I received support from the Pain Service, I was in despair. I’d been suffering neck pain for five years, and a hip replacement caused me a number of complications. The pain slowed me down and I relied on medication. I felt there was nothing else that could be done.

“But the Pain Management Service has successfully assisted me to live a more fulfilling life. It has helped me cope and manage the intensity of my pain, so I can be more active and mobile on a daily basis.”

If you are in pain and suffering in silence, visit and find out if the service could help you.

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