Campaigners march against Portland waste plant today

Campaigners are marching against plans for a waste incinerator on Portland Port today.

Local of proposed waste incinerated on Portland
Published 12th Sep 2020
Last updated 13th Sep 2020

'Stop Portland Waste Incinerator' are holding a protest at 11am this morning.

It's after a planning application was put in for the plant earlier this week, with ammendments to the height of the stack in response to feedback from locals.

But Lucy Grieve who runs the campaign group says that's not enough:

"This is not a question of 'maybe just a little bit different here, some little amendment there, some sort of mitigation.'

"Simply what we're saying is 'no incinerator', this is not the right location and in fact we don't believe there is a need for a waste incinerator anywhere.

"So it's not a question of making little ammendments and then it will all be fine."

The group claims the incinerator will:

  • Release tiny dangerous particles into the air - that cannot yet be monitored.
  • Increase health risks - however small - for our children.
  • Bring more lorries thundering along our busy roads (esp Portland Road.)
  • Possibly need to be ‘fed’ in the future by waste imported from outside the UK.
  • Create a big, unsightly blot on our beautiful landscape and coast.
  • Discourage recycling.
  • Possibly not create many jobs for local residents at all.

Giles Frampton, Director, Powerfuel, said:

“There are over 40 similar ERFs already operating safely in the UK, of which the Portland ERF would be one of the new generation, most advanced facilities.

"All ERFs operate under strict regulations and are constantly monitored to ensure there is no negative impact on health or the environment.

“During our pre-application consultation with local residents there was some unease about the emissions levels from the facility’s stack.

"To further limit the potential that emissions from the ERF could have any measurable impact on air quality or local ecology, Powerfuel has increased the height of the stack to improve the emission dispersion.

"We have also gone to great lengths to limit any visual impact from the facility and our revised architectural designs show the facility will be in-keeping with its surroundings.”

The group are meeting at the green by Victoria Square roundabout, by the twin Gateway Pillars at 11am today.

For more information go to their Facebook page (