Weymouth man detained on suspicion of manslaughter after sudden death

Police are investigating exatcly what happened

Author: Helen DownPublished 12th Oct 2021
Last updated 12th Oct 2021

A Weymouth man has been arrested on suspicion of manslaughter.

It follows the sudden death of another man in the town after midnight on Monday October 11.

An investigation is underway after paramedics attended an address in Portmore Gardens.

The family of the dead man have been told about his death.

"At around 12.20pm on Monday 11 October 2021 officers received a report from the ambulance service of the sudden death of a man at an address in Portmore Gardens in Weymouth.

"An investigation is underway to establish the full circumstances surrounding the death. His family has been informed and the coroner has been notified.

"A man aged in his 20s from Weymouth has been arrested on suspicion of manslaughter and is currently assisting detectives with their enquiries."

Dorset Police

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