Leicester woman guilty of attempted murder after stabbing with a bottle

The court heard how victim was hospitalised for 4 weeks and still suffers from nightmares and permanent voice damage

Author: Ella BicknellPublished 13th Oct 2023
Last updated 13th Oct 2023

A Leicester woman has been found guilty of attempted murder, after using a smashed bottle to stab her victim in the neck.

On the 28th April, Shelley Hill attacked the victim in a car park on Yeoman Street, Leicester.

The victim, who is in her 40s, was in hospital receiving treatment for four weeks following the assault.

"I have been told that the vocal palsy is permanent"

She told the court she suffers from frequent nightmares almost six months on.

She said: “I have been told that I have left vocal palsy, this is a type of paralysis of my left vocal cord.

"As a result of this I can’t talk more than above a whisper.

"If I do try and talk loudly, it strains my throat and causes pain.

"I’m embarrassed by what I sound like, I do worry about what people think of me when I speak to them.

"I have been told that the vocal palsy is permanent."

The women were with a group of people in the car park when Hill became aggressive towards the victim before grabbing a bottle that the victim was holding, smashing it and using it to stab her in the neck.

Hill then left the scene.

The incident was captured on CCTV with enquiries leading to Hill being arrested two days and charged the day after that.

Enquiries following the incident established that the victim and Hill had known each other for a few months through another person.

Hill had pleaded guilty to causing grievous bodily harm with intent but had denied attempted murder.

Hill, formerly of Manitoba Road, Leicester, has been remanded into custody and is due to be sentenced on Friday 1 December.

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