State of the art CCTV cameras installed in Nottingham park

The project's been funded by cash from Safer Streets funding.

Nottinghamshire Police and Crime Commissioner Caroline Henry Nottinghamshire Police Neighbourhood Inspector Liz Gaskin, Councillor Sajid Mohammed and Sam Richardson Martin from POW
Author: Maddy BullPublished 18th Jan 2024
Last updated 18th Jan 2024

State of the art CCTV is officially up and running in one of Nottingham's parks, to help people living and working there feel safe.

The camera's have gone up in the Forest Rec Ground, which is one of the city's crime hot spots for sexual offences, violence and and anti-social behaviour.

They're known as CCTV refuge point cameras, so anyone in distress can speak directly to control room staff by pushing a button at the bottom of the camera pole.

The project's been funded by cash from Safer Streets funding, a £3 million project to improve public safety in Nottinghamshire.

Nottinghamshire's Police Crime Commissioner Caroline Henry says:

"The idea came about listening to a focus group of women and girls, and they told us often on a night out, their phone had gone dead and they wanted to get hold of the police.

"We had this idea that CCTV, with a button that could get you through to a control room, a safe space, would really work."

The camera's were piloted in Bassetlaw and Ashfield, but this is the first time they've been out up in the City.

Nottinghamshire Police Neighbourhood Inspector Liz Gaskin says:

"Unfortunately, the Forest Rec does have quite a volume of crime and anti-social behaviour reported.

"So, this initiative is to try and make people who visit the park feel safe within the community.

"Especially as we try to keep our women and girls safe."

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