EastEnders spoilers: Wedding bells for Honey Mitchell and Adam Bateman

She's unaware that he's having an affair with Habiba Ahmed

Author: Eden-Olivia LordPublished 3rd Jul 2019

Poor Honey Mitchell. She's totally oblivious to the fact that Adam Bateman has been having an affair (despite Billy Mitchell telling her the truth) and next week, EastEnders viewers will see her plan to propose to her love rat boyfriend.

Elsewhere on the Square, as tension begins to rise between Kush Kazemi and Kat Moon and Stacey and Martin Fowler, they decide to settle things in a boxing ring.

Despite all the recent drama, a turn of events actually make Kush and Martin reconcile but the same can't be said for Stacey and Kat…

Mick Carter prepares to run the Walford 10k for charity and admits to Linda he's planning to spend the money on a private assessment for Ollie – but what will she say?

Also Jack Branning is desperate for money, Bobby Beale's attitude continues to bother Ian Beale and Whitney Dean has exciting wedding plans.

EastEnders spoilers: Monday 8th – Friday 12th July 2019

Mariam Ahmed worries as she prepares to meet Habiba's potential partner. The pair have similar interests but unfortunately, it's not a match.

Adam later opens up to Habiba and admits that he got jealous when he saw her with another man. He finally decides that he's going to end things with Honey.

Elsewhere Honey is ecstatic thinking of ideas for their new flat and when Linda Carter suggests wedding bells may be in the air, Honey is left feeling on cloud nine.

She later realises that she's lost the shop key and after Stacey suggests she look at the CCTV, Honey tries to find Adam to help out. She's unaware that he's in bed with Habiba…

Luckily Billy steps in and helps Honey but he's left heartbroken when she reveals her plans to propose to Adam. Later on, Honey gets a huge shock – but what is it?

Kush and Martin are still at odds following the fallout between Kat and Stacey and as they continue to bicker Shirley Carter has a good idea – sort things out in the boxing ring.

Everyone on the market makes a make-shift ring and Martin and Kush get ready to fight. However, when Kush sees some boys stealing money from Martin's money belt he chases after them.

Kush manages to get the money back and the former friends have a heart to heart and finally decide to put the past behind them.

Kat also tries to make things right with Stacey but when she asks for the money back, Stacey is furious.

As the two women continue to be at each other's throats, Stacey makes a drastic decision that will affect the entire Slater family.

Later on in the week Martin and Kush secretly meet up and try to figure out how they can sort things out between Stacey and Kat.

Elsewhere Mo and Jean Slater team up to get Kat and Stacey's relationship back on track. Unfortunately things don't end well when Jean and Stacey arrive at The Prince Albert and find Kat there.

As Kat and Stacey both refuse to back down, Mo goes to shocking lengths to get them to see sense – but has she gone too far?

Meanwhile on the Square, as Chantelle and her husband prepare to run the Walford 10k, Gray charms the residents to sign up and help raise money for charity.

Mick Carter tells his wife he plans to raise money for a private assessment for their son Ollie but he doesn't get the reaction he hoped for.

While Gray antagonises Mitch Baker into signing up for the charity run, Chantelle suggests they get some publicity and calls a local journalist.
Unfortunately Chantelle misses a call from the journalist and has to break the news to Mick. Luckily Shirley has a photographer friend who is eager to help.

Things don't go according to plan when everyone gathers round for a photo and Linda is left feeling upset. When Karen spots her friend, she advises Linda to fully support Mick's decision.

On the day of the race, tensions are high between Mitch and Gray who are eager to win the competition. Everyone is stunned at Mitch who speeds past Gray and Bex.

Later on in The Vic while all the medal holders celebrate Mitch admits he cheated. While everyone laughs, an annoyed Gray leaves the celebrations.

At the end of the week, Mick reveals he's already booked a private appointment for Ollie and although she's surprised at first she quickly reassures her husband.

Over to the Branning household and Jack is desperate for cash and decides to accept Adam's offer to buy the flat.

Denise urges her boyfriend to tell the police and Rainie Cross leaving but he's confident he'll be able to raise the amount of money he needs.

It's not long before Jack begins to pressure Adam into paying the money for the flat. When Ian Beale learns that Rainie has left with Abi, he's adamant that they call the police.

When Jack and Max continue to make excuses he decides to take matters into his own hands and calls Rainie – making things worse.

Max is left feeling helpless and wants to try and track her down but later on when Ian apologises for being rash, they receive a text from Rainie suggesting they meet up.

While the pair sit and wait for her arrival, they're shocked when Stuart Highway arrives. Meanwhile Rainie sneaks into the Brannings house to get Abi's toy but is caught by Jack who is unaware that Max planned to meet up with Rainie.

Desperate to leave, Rainie pulls out all the stops… Elsewhere at the café Stuart reassures Ian and Max that Rainie will return soon but she's currently on holiday.

Speaking of Ian, he's left frustrated with Bobby's attitude but he's stunned when Kathy Beale delivers him a few home truths.

Bobby receives a phone call and he's left elated. However he dismisses Kathy's efforts to help him settle back in Walford and instead meets up with a friend from youth offenders.

After receiving support and advice from his friend, Bobby agrees to look at home tutors – much to Kathy's delight.

While Whitney Carter is buzzing that she's booked the wedding venue, Callum Highway has to pretend he's excited. Later on, Chantelle reassures Whit after she opens about Callum's lack of interest in their wedding.

When Stuart spots Whitney swooning of her dream wedding dress, Stuart steps in a hatches a plan to help her out.

But before any of the drama above, here's everything that will happen on EastEnders this week...

Stacey Fowler receives a letter from Kush Kazemi's solicitor about custody of their son Arthur and she's left furious.

After Stacey hires her own laywer, Kush is left stressing about his finances and then Kat Moon steps in and offers to help him out.

Unbeknownst to her someone has stolen her money - but who?

Elsewhere Callum and Stuart Highway's dad arrives on the Square and manages to get on the wrong side of Ben Mitchell but the right side of Whitey Carter.

However later on in the week Stuart spots his brother and Ben getting cosy…

Also Bernadette falls deeper for Sophia but makes a shocking discovery, Mick Carter opens up about Ollie and Iqra and Habiba Ahmed are surprised at Adam Bateman's latest news.

EastEnders airs on Mondays and Fridays at 8pm, and Tuesdays and Thursdays at 7.30pm on BBC One.

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