£385k to help rough sleepers in Colchester

The government cash is for shelters and specialist support

Author: Dan GoodingPublished 25th May 2021

Colchester is getting £385,000 to help tackle rough sleeping.

The cash, from the government, is meant to be used for homeless shelters, specialist support and permanent housing.

Colchester MP Will Quince said:

"As Colchester's MP, I have personally worked closely with our brilliant rough sleeping and homeless charities to tackle this vital issue, and I have slept rough on more than one occasion in Colchester to raise money for such an important cause.

"I have been inspired and heartened to see the amazing work that can happen in this area when the Government, local authorities, and charities work closely together, and no where else has this been more evident in recent years than during this pandemic.

"This work continues and, as of January, tens of thousands of people have been supported so far with over 11,000 in emergency accommodation and over 26,000 provided with settled accommodation.

"Moreover, building on the success of our programme 'Everyone In', the Protect Programme was launched to ensure the most vulnerable in our society were protected during the worst of the pandemic."

Extra cash across the country

£203m will be used by councils, charities and other local groups across the country to fund up to 14,500 bed spaces and 2,700 support staff across England.

This funding is one part of an unprecedented £750 million investment this year to tackle homelessness and rough sleeping – part of the government’s drive to end rough sleeping by the end of this Parliament.

Analysis of the Rough Sleeping Initiative – now in its fourth year – shows that the programme has reduced rough sleeping by almost a third compared to areas which have not taken part in the programme.

Building on the past success of the programme, funding has almost doubled this year and will provide additional support to help those affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

The number of people sleeping rough across England has fallen for the third year in a row, and by 37% in the last year alone.

Housing Secretary Rt Hon Robert Jenrick MP said:

"At the beginning of the pandemic we took swift and decisive action to bring rough sleepers in from the streets and settled them into longer-term accommodation in record numbers. That work continues, the results are clear and are a huge credit to all involved.

"Ending rough sleeping is a personal mission for the Prime Minister and me – and we have made huge progress since he came into No.10, reducing rough sleeping by 43%.

"To build on this progress, we are making the biggest ever investment under the Rough Sleeping Initiative to provide vital services to those who need it most, as part of our drive to end rough sleeping for good."

Minister for Rough Sleeping, Eddie Hughes MP said:

"Across the country, there are staff and volunteers working tirelessly to make a real difference to the lives of rough sleepers.

"From providing bed spaces and night shelters, to funding dedicated support staff and medical treatment, today’s funding will mean that crucial work to help people off the streets can continue.

"This is part of an unprecedented £750 million of government investment this year to help us reach our goal of ending rough sleeping by the end of this Parliament."

What is the Rough Sleeping Initiative?

The Rough Sleeping Initiative was launched in 2018 to help local areas provide tailored services to those living on the streets. With today’s investment, the government has now allocated almost £400 million to 281 councils through the programme – which supports coordinated projects across areas including housing, mental health, addiction support and domestic abuse.

Examples of the work that the government is funding at a local level include:

  • Rough sleepers in Birmingham will be offered a Befriending service to help them to stay in accommodation and manage the transition into housing. The service will help rough sleepers with cooking, shopping, utility management, and access to benefits.
  • North Norfolk will work with Your Own Place to provide tenancy skills training and money management support to rough sleepers moving off the streets into rental accommodation.
  • In North Lincolnshire, an Education and Training coordinator will build a Skills and Wellbeing pathway for rough sleepers to allow people to build up their confidence, learn new skills such as IT, literacy and CV writing, and is critical to improving confidence and wellbeing.
  • In Newham an Assessment Centre will provide an immediate offer of accommodation away from the streets where rough sleepers can have their needs quickly assessed to minimise time on the streets

Funding from previous years of the programme is already having a transformational effect at a local level with local authorities reporting significant falls in the number of rough sleepers.

The announcement comes after the government made an additional £212 million investment in new, secure, long-term accommodation for rough sleepers earlier this year, with 6,000 homes pledged by the end of this Parliament.

This is alongside the government’s Everyone In initiative, launched by the Housing Secretary at the start of the pandemic to protect rough sleepers, which has so far supported 37,000 people, with more than 26,000 already moved on to longer-term accommodation.

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