Colchester homeless charity plan return

Colchester Engagement and Next Steps has been closed as it couldn't support social distancing.

Author: Dan GoodingPublished 27th Jan 2021

A fundraising appeal has been launched to help a North Essex homeless charity support people once again.

Since March, Colchester Engagement and Next Steps - formerly known as the Emergency Night Shelter - has been closed as it couldn't support social distancing.

Now building work is underway to transform it and a Go Fund Me page has been set up to cover the remaining costs.

If successful the funding will allow the charity to revamp the shelter so that residents each have their own room which gives our residents self-esteem, dignity and independence and ensures we are compliant with Covid-19 guidelines.

Additional services can also be introduced, allowing those in need of support to stay in the facility 24/7, instead of just overnight which protects our vulnerable clients from abusive influences during the day and allows us to offer more support than previously available.

Some funding already secured

CENS staff have already secured a significant amount of grant funding towards the project, including a £112,000 National Lottery Community Grant and £15,000 from Colchester Catalyst to pay for a health and wellbeing room, and the charity is now appealing to the public to help it cross the finish line. The full cost of the project is £250,000.

Marina Woodrow, CENS Manager, said:

"As with so much of our lives, Covid-19 has really impacted upon the way that we work as an organisation, and the only reason we have had to close our building is due to its layout.

"Fortunately there was a real boost to homelessness support at the start of the pandemic, meaning that those unfortunate enough not to have a roof over their heads have been housed.

"But we know the need for our support has not gone away - we are currently having to turn down between five and ten referrals each and every day - and this project will ensure that not only are we able to be there as the emergency provision ends but that we can also expand and improve upon our existing work."

What will be done?

Through the project the charity's facility, in Alexandra Road, Colchester, will be adapted to offer 17 single occupancy rooms by adding ensuites to existing rooms and creating four more ensuite bedrooms from spare communal space. The building currently has 20 beds (nine twin and two single rooms) with shared facilities.

Ray Ricks, Chairperson of the charity's Trustees, added:

"We already had plans to adapt our facility to expand our provision before Coronavirus hit, and so we have been able to adapt the project to cater for this unforeseen issue.

"Now we're nearly ready to go - but are calling on the amazing community spirit within Colchester and North Essex to help us get the final funding we need.

"Over the years we have supported thousands of people, many of whom come back as volunteers to support others and show them they can succeed, demonstrating our proven track record."

CENS has been running for more than 35 years providing homelessness support across Essex and Suffolk - both through emergency accommodation of 20 beds, along with help and advice to residents to secure a permanent home.

It provides accommodation for around 200 people each year as well as providing support for mental health, offending history, drug and alcohol support and other wrap-around care - as well as securing longer-term housing for residents once they leave.

To donate to the appeal, go to

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