Essex students offered training to try and reduce sexual offences

Essex Police and the University of Essex have teamed up to try and reduce the number of sexual offences.

Author: Abi SimpsonPublished 7th Nov 2020
Last updated 7th Nov 2020

They've been working together to tackle the problem, raise awareness of issues such as consent and offer help to support anyone who is affected.

Detectives from the Public Protection Unit, which investigates crimes like sexual offences, have offered training for students in Colchester and Southend who are part of the University's Residency Life Team.

The training included looking at what sexual offences are and discussed related issues.

The team of students work within university accommodation to build community support and provide welfare support.

The team have gone on to use their training this term to deliver Introductory sessions to students living on the University's campuses.

The training included interactive sessions on consent, harassment, and hate crime, as well as making students aware of the online reporting platform, Report and Support.

It allows students to report any incidents of sexual offences, harassment or hate crime and also signposts them to the appropriate support.

University security staff also received training so they know what to do if someone reports an offence; as well as the best way to engage with the victim, and how to provide information to police.

Detective Inspector Craig Wiggins said: "It’s really important young people are armed with information about issues like consent so we can all keep each other safe.

“The students we’ve provided training to will now be able to provide that training to other students and hopefully that peer-to-peer conversation will be really impactive.”

Detective Inspector Yoni Adler said: “By better equipping security staff with knowledge about what they need to do if someone reports an offence will hopefully mean we’ll be better placed to bring an offender to justice.

“This work with the University of Essex also emphasises their commitment to keeping their students safe and this partnership work is really important.”

Registrar Bryn Morris said: “We’re grateful for this help from Essex Police. Working in partnership with them will help to keep our community safe, and ensure our staff have access to their latest advice and guidance.”