The Infection Levels of Measles are at the highest they've been since the 1990s

This is according to NHS professionals.

Child getting vaccinated
Published 24th Jan 2024

Professionals at hospitals in Essex say infection levels of Measles are at the highest they've been since the 1990s.

The NHS is campaigning for parents to vaccinate their children to stop it from spreading, this follows the UK Health Security Agency declaring it a National Incident as the numbers of Measles Mumps and Rubella increase.

Doctor David Brandon from Suffolk and North East Essex Integrated Care Board wants people to acknowledge the "danger" and "risks" of this "highly contagious disease"

"There's about 3.4 million children in England that are unvaccinated and without vaccination.

"It is an entirely preventable disease and it is a travesty that we are still seeing babies and young children permanently damaged by this preventable condition."

Some symptoms to look out for

  • "High Fever
  • "Coughing
  • "Sneezing
  • "Sore, red and watery eyes.
  • "Small white spots may appear inside the mouth. (Koplik spots)
  • "A blotchy non-scaley red or brown rash (Morbilliform) usually appears after a few days."

He went on to say that in a "textbook" scenario the Morbilliform will appear "on the face and behind the ears before spreading to the rest of the body. "

The risks

We asked Dr. Brandon about the risks and potential dangers involved in not being vaccinated he told us that complications of measles include " pneumonia, meningitis, even permanent brain damage, blindness and seizures. "

And that people need to think of it as a "serious condition."

He explained some people are at a higher risk if they contract it including, "babies, younger children, pregnant women and those with weakened immune systems."

He went on to emphasise that even if you are not a high-risk individual, you are still able to become "seriously ill and could suffer long-term lasting damage and could even die."

Why is there an increase in cases?

When discussing with Dr. Brandon why we are seeing an increase in cases he discussed several reasons, one of which is that people had "other things on their mind" during the pandemic and so many did not get the vaccination.

Another reason he believes many people aren't being vaccinated is that "there's been damage to public trust...and the suspicion of of of authority that has developed and that has fed through into cynicism and concerns about the safety of vaccinations."

Not only this but he feels they are "still suffering from the legacy of the misinformation that was spread around the MMR vaccine being linked with autistic spectrum disorders."

he wants people to be aware that this "misinformation" has been "completely debunked and the doctor that was responsible for promoting that information has been removed from the medical register."

What not to do

Dr. Brandon says that measles should clear up within 7-10 days and people should prioritise rest during this time.

He strongly encourages people not to start or take part in "measles parties" which were first popularised in the 1950's before immunisation and involved exposing children to a child with Measles so they would also become ill.

“Measles is not a trivial illness, it can cause permanent disability, brain damage, blindness, seizures and even death. " If you are diagnosed with Measles, you should stay at home and avoid spreading the disease to other people.

"How would you feel if you deliberately exposed someone else to this disease, if they then developed permanent disabling complications?”

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