Major exercise scheme helps over 750 Gloucestershire NHS staff and patients

'Health & Hustle' has been boosting people's physical and mental wellbeing for almost six years

Author: Radina Koutsafti and Matt HutchinsonPublished 20th Oct 2021
Last updated 20th Oct 2021

More than 750 healthcare professionals and patients across Gloucestershire are now part of a scheme to help them get fit.

Health & Hustle sees people of all abilities record their exercise achievements with colleagues and friends via an app.

Since launching over five years ago, the project has continued to boost people's physical and mental wellbeing.

The success of the initiative means it has now been extended into areas surrounding Gloucestershire.

'People that have started from being non-runners, now they're running 30 minutes'

Greatest Hits Radio has spoken to the Health & Hustle founder, Kevin Gannaway-Pitts.

"We've seen people that have started from being non-runners, and claiming they would never be able to run. Now they're running 30 minutes, they're doing Parkrun, they're asking about: 'What do I do next?'

"Some of the big moments are seeing the change in people as well, in terms of their weight loss, but also the way they are in terms of their mental health ... they're so confident with themselves.

"They're really proactive at work, they're not burnt-out, they're not so tired," he said.

On Tuesday 19th October, up to 20 Gloucester runners completed 5km before graduating from Health & Hustle.

At the ceremony, Mary Hutton, Chief Accountable Officer for Gloucestershire’s NHS Clinical Commissioning Group, presented course attendees with certificates and medals.

The next cohort of runners will start the programme on Tuesday 2nd November. They can officially sign-up, or just join Health & Hustle for a taster session.

'Nobody’s judging you'

Talking about her experience participating on the scheme, Angela Willan said: "I am the original couch potato. Before joining Health & Hustle, I had done absolutely no exercise since cross country at school".

The physical health facilitator also said that despite finding the first week challenging, her fitness levels improved as the weeks wore on.

"The best thing is that you don’t have to be the fastest or the fittest, nobody’s judging you. Everyone is really supportive and encouraging and we all have the same goal – to get fitter and more active.

"If I can do it, anybody can," she added.

Those who take part in Health & Hustle record their success through a Fitbit. The NHS has collaborated with Fitbit Health Solutions to offer reductions, easing the financial burden on those less able to pay.

Learn more about Health and Hustle:

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