Trees to be planted to remember Glocuestershire's covid victims

Five hundred of them will be planted in Hester's Way

Cheltenham Borough Councillor Max Wilkinson
Author: Simon McLeanPublished 9th Mar 2021

Five hundred trees will be planted in Hester's Way to remember the victims of coronavirus.

The Forestry Commission's delivered one thousand trees, which will be planted at Manor Farm in Up Hatherley, Springfields Park in Hester’s Way and Cirencester Road open space in Charlton Kings.

Springfield Park is the largest site, taking five hundred trees, and it's this that's proposed as the covid memorial woodland.

Councillor Max Wilkinson, cabinet member for climate and communities, says, "The past year has been a tough time for all of us. While there has been a huge amount of sadness, like so many others I’ve been humbled by Cheltenham’s response to Covid-19.

"There are so many heroes, including the NHS workers and teachers going beyond the call of duty, food bank volunteers helping feed those in need and good neighbours looking out for one another.

"The pandemic has also brought into sharp focus everyone’s need for access to nature and a healthy environment too.

"I’m pleased that we can mark the sacrifices made by so many with an initiative that will help achieve that. I’m also delighted that our hardworking council team is able to be part of the effort after a year of working so hard to keep our parks in good condition during the pandemic."

Adam Reynolds, green space development manager said, ‘’We are thankful that the Forestry Commission has funded this activity. Once in place these trees will be a great addition towards our carbon zero ambition and will also have huge environmental benefits for pollinators and other wildlife."

A commemorative plaque will be installed, likely in Sandford Park recreation ground, where planting of more spectacular ‘landmark’ trees is under consideration for the autumn near to the boules court and hospital.