Cleethorpes family say they've had major problems after applying to take in Ukrainian refugees

A Facebook group they've set up shows many others have had issues too

Ukraine demonstration
Author: Andy MarshPublished 28th Apr 2022
Last updated 28th Apr 2022

A Facebook group set up by a Cleethorpes family appears to show the huge problems with the system of bringing Ukrainian refugees to the UK.

Louise and Aurimas Marcinkevicius applied to bring a Ukrainian family into their home on the first day of the scheme in March but have heard nothing of the application since.

Having started a Facebook group Louise discovered just how many Ukrainian families have been left in limbo.

She told us: "I thought there was a bigger issue here and decided let's try and pull the numbers together."

"I thought I'd have a couple of hundred in the first 2 weeks but it grew so quickly."

"The Facebook group went from about six hundred people on Easter Sunday and I think we're at 16 or 17 hundred now."

"It's just grown massively".

"They've been quite lucky, initially we funded an Air B and B and various hotels for them because we thought it would be quite a quick process."

"Then they found some free accommodation with a family where they could stay for 3 nights."

"They've been there 4 weeks tomorrow and I don't know how long that accommodation can continue for."

"The 9 year old has not been to school since February, how long does it carry on for?"

"It doesn't feel like they'll be refused a whole load but it does feel like something a little bit more chaotic".