Seaside traders in East Yorkshire and Northern Lincolnshire hope for heatwave trading boost

It as the Met Office issues "heat alert"

Donkeys at Cleethorpes beach
Published 12th Jul 2022

Seaside resorts across East Yorkshire and Northern Lincolnshire are hoping the current heatwave will provide them with a much needed boost for traders.

Not only have the high temperatures sent many people flocking to the coast but also visitors have been spending money on food, entertainment and transport there.

And the warm weather is likely to continue for around another week.

Forecasters say it's going to get even hotter - they've issued an 'extreme heat' warning, which means there's a threat to public health.

The Met Office says there's a "30-percent chance" the UK will record its hottest day ever in the next week.

Exceptionally high temperatures are expected from Sunday.

We've spoke to tourism related businesses in Cleethorpes.

Aieanna runs donkey rides along Cleethorpes beach – she’s hoping the weather will attract more customers.

"It has been a little bit busy, although people just tend to chill out instead of bringing their children onto the donkeys."

"We've had few more people, local schools haven't broken up yet so we're just kind of waiting."

"Hopefully the weather will keep nice so we do get some donkey riders."

"They're desert animals so they like to stand in the heat and embrace it."

"We do have sunshades when it's not breezy and they stand under the shades and of course we have plenty of water."