Cat rescued from 20 metres up a tree in Ripon

It happened on Saturday.

Author: Harry LongPublished 24th Feb 2021

A cat in Ripon has had a lucky escape - after getting stuck 20 metres up a tree in the wind!

It happened on Saturday, when a member of the public noticed eight-month old Loki's back legs slipping off the branches.

Attempts by a fire crew and an RSPCA officers to get him down failed - but another crew from Harrogate was eventually able to rescue him using an aerial ladder.

RSPCA Inspector Claire Little, said: “This poor cat had become well and truly stuck in the tree during quite windy weather. We advise people that cats are natural climbers and in a vast majority of cases they are very capable of getting themselves down from a tree, so unless there are special circumstances, we advise owners to try and coax their pet down with strong smelling food like fish.

"If that doesn’t work to give us a call back after 24 hours. After that time an RSPCA officer will then visit to see if we can help.

“RSPCA officers are trained to use ladders, which they carry for rescues like this, however, in situations where we are still unable to reach the animals, we may ask the fire service to help and they often use animal rescues as a vital training aid.

“The fire service tried everything from ladders, reach and rescue poles and eventually they used the aerial platform to bring little Loki down to safety.

“I was then able to reunite Loki with his owners straight away who had been really worried about him."