Green Hammerton man with MND is taking on a second 100 mile challenge

An MND sufferer is raising money for Leeds Hospitals Charity

Author: Demi OlutunmogunPublished 25th Oct 2021

A man from Green Hammerton with motor neurone disease is taking on a second 100 mile challenge in an off-road wheelchair in the space of a year.

56 year-old Ian Flatt is tackling a series of walks around North Yorkshire - to raise money for a new centre dedicated to the condition at Leeds Hospitals Charity - where he has received treatment

It's after he completed a similar challenge around the Yorkshire Dales earlier this year.

Leeds Hospitals Charity congratulated Ian Flatt:

Ian, who is supported by his wife Rachael and two daughters, was diagnosed with MND in early 2019.

Ian said:

“The walk earlier this year was so exhilarating, it was one of the best times of my life, it was just so beautiful.

“It gave me a huge sense of purpose and positivity to receive such support from the public, and raise over £17k for charities. I hope to reach a similarly impressive figure this time round.”

Ian will complete the 100-mile challenge in a series of 18 walks which include some of his favourite trails around the Hole of Horcum, Rievaulx Moor, Thixendale and finishing with a trek around the dramatic Sutton Bank escarpment.

Ian hopes to complete the 100-mile challenge over a four-week period.

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