Harrogate active travel scheme extended

Traffic restrictions on Beech Grove and Lancaster Road have been in place since February.

Author: Harry LongPublished 22nd Oct 2021
Last updated 22nd Oct 2021

A scheme to encourage more walking and cycling in Harrogate has been extended until next summer.

Traffic restrictions on Beech Grove and Lancaster Road have been in place since February -with signage, bollards and planters – known as modal filters.

The scheme's been extended until August 2022 - when a decision on whether to make the scheme permanent will be made by North Yorkshire County Council.

County Councillor Don Mackenzie, Executive Member for Access, said: “Taking into account the consultation responses, traffic survey data, ongoing site observations and other active travel measures in Harrogate, we have decided to maintain the modal filters until summer 2022, when the experimental 18 month order ends, and a formal decision will be taken on the way forward.

“A reduction in traffic levels on Beech Grove has resulted in a reduction in the speed of vehicles and an increase in cyclists. More people are likely to cycle – for both commuting and leisure – when improved infrastructure is in place that reduces conflict with vehicles.

“We are committed to encouraging active travel, easing congestion and improving air quality in Harrogate. Other schemes such as the Otley Road cycle route, the Station Gateway project and the Active Travel Fund proposals for Victoria Avenue are all at various stages of design and construction so when work is complete we anticipate a further increase in cycling.”

“The various lockdowns have had an impact on traffic levels so an extension means we can collect further data before a decision is made on whether to make the measures permanent or set aside the scheme.

“We will continue to listen to the views of residents on the Beech Grove measures which will be taken into account as part of an ongoing review of the scheme.”

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