North Yorkshire man shares story of childhood abuse

Richie Barlow has written a book about his experiences to help raise awareness and help other victims

Author: Kathy GreenPublished 23rd Aug 2022
Last updated 23rd Aug 2022

A North Yorkshire man's opening up about the abuse and torture he was subjected to from the age of four simply for being gay.

Richie Barlow has written a book about the way he was treated by his mum in the hope of helping others to speak out.

He's been telling us "She locked me in a bedroom for days on end without food, if I looked at her funny I'd be forced to eat hers. The torment and the torture carried on for about four of five years."

At the age of nine he went into care but was then trafficked into a paedophile ring and sexually abused hundreds of times. His book is called 'Richie Who Cares' with some of the profits being used to set up a charity to help other victims.

Richie tells us "I don't want any child to go through what I went through, but this book is to show people that you can get through this, you can talk about and you don't have to shoulder if for the rest of your life."

He is now about to turn 40 and is happily married and is hoping his story will give others strength.

He has this message for anyone else who is targeted because of their sexuality "Don't give into the bullies, don't give into the fear. Be yourself. There is nothing wrong with who you are. They are the problem, not you."

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