Child abuse image crimes increase by 16%

More that 1,5000 crimes were recorded by Kent Police

Could tec companies do more?
Published 2nd Mar 2024

The number of child abuse image crimes in Kent has increased by 16%.

Across 2022 and 2023, 1,568 offences were recorded by Kent Police compared to 1,356 in the previous year.

Since 2017/18, there has been a 50% increase, with only 1,042 crimes that year.

Rebecka Hipkiss, supervisor for NSPCC Childline, said: "We see young people contacting us multiple times a day where they have had an online communication with somebody.

That turns into a friendship, and then a coercive relationship where they are asked to send or being sent pictures and once that image is with someone else it is completely out their control."

"These situation often quickly escalate, resulting in blackmail where the victim is threatened that their pictures will be sent to their friends and family.

"This often leaves the young person feeling so ashamed and not knowing where to go to for help."

Nationally, there were more than 33,000 offences where child abuse images were collected and distributed.

The crimes predominantly took places on social media with Snapchat being flagged in almost half (44%) of the instances - over 4,000 times.

Meta-owned products (Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp) were flagged more than 2,500 times making up a quarter (26%) of known instances.

In October, the Online Safety Act was finally introduced but the NSPCC believes more needs to be done, starting with social media companies.

Hipkiss said: "The tec companies need to do more to promote and keep young people safe online.

"However, this isn't happening and I know the online safety bill has only just passed but i think we need to be robust and put this in place immediately."

For further information please contact the NSPCC London & South East press office on 01634 564 741 or

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