Cleethorpes Falklands veteran remembers end of the conflict 40 years on

Mark Trainor says the conflict isn't talked about enough

Author: Andy MarshPublished 14th Jun 2022

Today marks 40 years since the end of the Falklands war

The conflict between Argentina and the UK took place in 1982.

It saw five ships sunk.

Armed forces charity SSAFA has conducted research which has shown that almost three quarters of British adults are unaware that over 900 people lost their lives.

Mark Trainor from Cleethorpes is a Falklands veteran who volunteers with the charity

He was on the HMS Glamorgan when it was hit with a missile by Argentinian forces and explains what happened.

He told us: "At 19:35 the same day we did a burial at sea."

"It was very dignified, the ship's padre obviously conducted the service and we all attended."

"That I will never forget".

"They need to name these things, we used to hear about Afghanistan, Iraq etc."

"I think the Falklands needs to be mentioned because the sacrifices then aren't remembered in the way they would be today."

"It's not so much the 40 years because we remember all the time but the significance of the 40th is to raise the awareness of what people did, the sacrifices people made."

"It is important, very important that people don't forget."