Cleethorpes MP says Liz Truss must fully address the cost of energy issue

Martin Vickers was speaking after Ms Truss became Tory leader

Author: Andy MarshPublished 6th Sep 2022

The handover of power in Downing Street is officially under way - with Boris Johnson on his way to see the Queen to formally resign as Prime Minister.

He's listed his Government's achievements during a farewell speech, while calling himself a 'booster rocket'.

He's also urging his Conservative party to get behind new leader, Liz Truss.

She'll be hosted by Her Majesty at Balmoral in Aberdeenshire - in a break from tradition.

We've been speaking to Cleethorpes MP Martin Vickers about her impending appointment.

Mr Vickers hosted Liz Truss in 2018 when she visited Immingham Docks.

He told us "As long as help is targeted at those most in need, businesses who are most affected and the consequent jobs connected with that she'll have my full support."

However he says the new PM will have to get measures right.

"Borrowing is only in effect taxation for the next generation, that's not a happy situation to be putting young families and young people into."

"My first concern is how it impacts on my constituents and businesses and provided it's a generous package that goes a long way to compensating them for the increases then I'll be supporting it."

"Liz is a sufficiently experienced politician to recognise she's got to accommodate all sides of the party."

"Let's not jump to conclusions but give her time to settle in."