Lincolnshire firms "playing their part" on climate change

The county's companies have been revealing what they're been doing to tackle the issue

Power stations
Author: Andy MarshPublished 1st Nov 2021
Last updated 1st Nov 2021

As the Cop 26 Climate Conference begins in Glasgow we've been finding out what Lincolnshire firms have been doing to address the issue.

And they're said to be "playing their part".

We've spoken to Simon Beardsley from the Lincolnshire Chamber of Commerce.

He says they've set up a "climate challenge hub".

That's giving ideas to local firms to improve their performance in terms of heading towards net zero.

He says it's about them asking how they can make a difference and what they can do.

"There are a number of initiatives Lincolnshire businesses are taking at the moment and there are a number of motivators at why they're doing it at this time."

"However Lincolnshire is playing its part and will continue to do so going forward."

"It's an opportunity as well as a potential cost reduction.

You could look for new points of sale in terms of what differences can I make through my products in order to give me a competitive advantage but use the opportunities of climate change to support that as well.

And of course the Humber region is said to be at the forefront of renewable energy.

It's already playing a crucial part in the development of the local economy.