Scouts save Spilsby Christmas Market

It was cancelled because of Storm Arwen

Author: Seb CheerPublished 26th Nov 2021

Spilsby's Christmas market has been saved, within 36 hours of it being cancelled because of Storm Arwen.

Organisers of the outdoor market and lights switch on called the event off because of highs winds, sweeping the area tomorrow.

However, 2nd Spilsby Scout group stepped in, to host a scaled-down version of the event.

A number of stall-holders have already signed up to sell their goods, with some tables still available.

Organisers say they'll have the heating on, Christmas tunes playing, and a "special visitor" at 3pm!

On social media, they added: 'After speaking to a couple of others who have outlayed on perishables for their stall prepared food for this weekend they too would love an outlet for their sales.

'Tables will be limited as we are a small venue, however we hope to offer those needing a sales outlet a dry and warm venue for Saturday at short notice.'

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