Health bosses in Liverpool pay tribute to NHS staff at Christmas

"Staff will be coming in over the Christmas period to keep vaccines going, they do it because they want to keep people safe"

Author: Paul DowardPublished 24th Dec 2021

As NHS staff across Merseyside gear up for another Christmas on the Covid wards, Hospital bosses are paying tribute to their strength and commitment.

As we tuck into our turkey and Christmas pudding we're being asked to spare a thought for frontline workers with many giving up the festive season to keep up with increasing pressures.

Nikki Stevenson is Medical Director at Arrowe Park, she's proud of their efforts :

"We don't ask them for a little extra but yesterday we did thirteen hundred vaccines at our site so that's not a little extra that's a lot extra.

"Staff will be coming in over the Christmas period to keep vaccines going, they do it because they want to keep people safe.

"What the pandemic has taught us is being with your loved ones and family is so important so it's even more special that they will be away for periods of time from their family at this time of year".

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