Man jailed for Liverpool domestic assault

It happened back in March

Custody photo of Christy Hewitt
Author: Alex HulsePublished 22nd May 2024

A man has been jailed for a domestic assault after strangling and slapping a woman in Liverpool.

Christy Hewitt, 23 years, of Parkfield Road, Liverpool was sentenced to 30 months in prison after he was convicted of intentional strangulation and Section 47 assault.

Hewitt had slapped, thrown and strangled a woman in her 20s on 13 March 2024.

The victim fled to a nearby Job Centre immediately after the attack to raise the alarm, and police were called.

Detective Sergeant Chris Matthews said: “This was a violent and sustained assault and it is right that Hewitt will now spend time in prison, where I hope he will reflect on his actions.

“The victim was left terrified and fearful of how far Hewitt would take the attack.

“Mercifully, she did not suffer significant physical injuries but the psychological impact of Hewitt’s actions will be long lasting.

“I would like to highlight the bravery of the victim in supporting this prosecution.

“Domestic abuse can have a profound impact on victims, and I hope she will in time move forward with her life to a positive future.

“I hope Hewitt's guilty plea demonstrates the strength of the case against him and the dedication of our officers to bring perpetrators of domestic violence to justice.”

Det Sgt Matthews added: “There is plenty of help available to anyone who may be suffering domestic abuse of any kind and together with partner agencies, we will do all that we can to support you.

“Domestic abuse can happen to anyone and we have specially trained officers who will listen to you and support you with sensitivity and compassion.

“I would ask everyone to look out for family members, friends or neighbours that may be suffering. By contacting us, you could be helping someone who is too afraid to help themselves. Everything you tell us is taken extremely seriously and will be investigated thoroughly.

“If you want to report domestic abuse, contact Merseyside Police on 101 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111 or seek specialist support call the confidential 24-hour National Domestic Abuse Helpline on 0808 2000 247. This helpline is free and run in partnership by Refuge and Women's Aid.”

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