Men in balaclavas run from scene as car hits teen in Walton

It's believed the men were also armed with machetes

Author: Sophie MerrickPublished 2nd Feb 2024

A 15-year-old's been rushed to hospital, after he has hit by a car on Walton Vale last night (Thursday 1 February).

At around 10.30pm, it was reported that a dark coloured Volvo was involved in a collision with the teenager, near the junction with Warbreck Avenue.

It's reported that three males who were all wearing dark clothing and balaclavas then got out of the car and fled the scene on foot.

It' is believed they were armed with machetes and that they had been involved in an altercation with the 15 year-old prior to the road collision.

Detective Inspector Mike Fletcher said: “We are in the very early stages of an investigation to establish exactly what has taken place.

“Our enquiries are ongoing but we believe there was some sort of altercation involving the injured male and the three males in the car prior to the collision taking place.

“We are determined to find the three males who were in the car after they fled the area on foot and officers remain at the scene to explore CCTV opportunities and carry out witness and house-to-house enquiries.

“We are keen to speak to anyone who witnessed this incident or has any information to help our ongoing investigation.

“If you live in the area and have CCTV cameras or were driving past the area and have dashcam footage that captured anything that could help our enquiries, please let us know.”

Anyone with information on this incident is asked to contact @MerPolCC on Twitter or ‘Merseyside Police Contact Centre’ on Facebook quoting log number 1125 of 1st February.

You can also call 101 or Crimestoppers, anonymously on 0800 555 111.

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