Nearly 500 cannabis plants seized after raids in Old Swan

Officers carried out a warrant yesterday at a property on Craigs Road

Author: Owen ArandsPublished 1st Feb 2024

Merseyside Police have seized two separate cannabis farms containing nearly 500 plants in Old Swan and arrested four people following warrants carried out in the last 24 hours.

Officers carried out a warrant yesterday, Wednesday 31 January, at a property on Craigs Road where they discovered 143 cannabis plants in various stages of growth across three rooms, which also included growing equipment.

A 39-year-old man from Halewood and a 41-year-old man from Anfield were arrested at the scene on suspicion of being concerned in the production of a controlled Class B drug (cannabis). They both remain in police custody.

Earlier this morning, Thursday 1 February, officers carried out another warrant at a property on Kremlin Drive where they discovered 354 cannabis plants in various stages of growth across eight rooms, which also included growing equipment.

A 51-year-old man from Liverpool and a 41-year-old man of no fixed abode were both arrested at the scene on suspicion of being concerned in the production of a controlled Class B drug (cannabis). They both remain in police custody.

The electricity meters at both properties had been abstracted but have now been made safe by Merseyside Police's Cannabis Dismantling Team and their enquiries are ongoing.

Matt Brown, who leads the Cannabis Dismantling Team, said: “To seize two significant cannabis farms in quick succession is an outstanding result and there are currently four arrested men being questioned by officers about their involvement.

“Let me be clear, cannabis farms help to fund organised crime groups who use these death traps to cause more criminality and harm in our communities.

“The criminals who run these farms care far more about making ill-gotten gains than the risks they pose to neighbouring properties.

“Cannabis farms are a real danger to residents in the area, especially when criminals extract electricity illegally by tinkering with the wiring and overloading plugs. This puts the lives of those living nearby in danger of fire and flooding.

“If you spot any signs that cannabis is being grown near where you live and work please let us know so that Merseyside Police can continue to take action. Any information helps residents and the work we do, so make us aware and we will investigate.”

A video in which Matt Brown, head of our Cannabis Dismantling Team explains how you can spot signs of cannabis being grown near where you live can be found here - Link

Some of the signs that cannabis is being grown are:

  • Strange smells and sounds
  • Frequent and varied visitors to a property, often at unusual times
  • Gardening equipment being taken into a property, such as plant pots, fertiliser, fans and industrial lighting
  • Windows are sealed and covered or the curtains are permanently closed
  • Heat from an adjoining property
  • Birds gathering on a roof in cold weather

Individually these activities may seem commonplace, however, together may indicate something more suspicious.

Anyone with information on suspected drug production or criminal activity in their community can contact @MerPolCC, call 101 or come forward anonymously to Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111. Always call 999 if a crime is in progress."

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